Ruska podjetja "aktivno" uporabljajo kripto, Rusija za posvojitev 4 Ustrezni zakoni, Uradnik pravi

Ruski zakonodajalci nameravajo kmalu potrditi štiri zakone, namenjene urejanju različnih vidikov kriptovalut, je sporočil visoki poslanec ruskega parlamenta. medtem, Ruska podjetja že uporabljajo digitalna sredstva v čezmejnih poravnavah, je opozoril uradnik. Russian Legislature to Vote

Britain Announces Plans for ‘Robust’ Crypto Rules, Launches Consultation

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Singapore Seeks to Reduce Risks for Retail Crypto Investors With Restrictive Rules

Financial authorities in Singapore have proposed new regulations designed to protect consumers from risks associated with cryptocurrency investment and trading. The measures, which also aim to expand regulations for stablecoins, will be discussed with the industry before their adoption. Singapore Prepares

British Fintech Revolut je podelil kripto licenco na Cipru

U.K.-based digital bank Revolut has been authorized by Cyprus to provide cryptocurrency services to millions of customers on the Old Continent. The fintech firm says the regulatory approval will allow it to establish a European crypto hub in the island nation….

Izrael prepoveduje gotovinske posle za zneske, ki se začnejo tako nizko kot $1,700

New legislation introducing tighter restrictions on payments with large sums of cash will enter into force in Israel on Monday. Cilj, as stated by the countrys tax authority, is to improve the fight against organized crime, pranje denarja, and tax

Hongkong bo uvedel licenciranje za kripto platforme prek zakona o preprečevanju pranja denarja

New legislation tailored to regulate the crypto space in Hong Kong aims to implement a licensing regime for crypto service providers. The respective changes to the regions anti-money laundering (AML) rules have been submitted to its legislature while a recently published

V Moskvi je krožil predlog za vzpostavitev ruske kripto borze

Russia may establish a dedicated exchange to carry out cryptocurrency transactions locally, a high-ranking member of the State Duma has suggested. The new platform can be hosted by the Moscow Exchange, according to Anatoly Aksakov, head of the parliamentary financial market

Poročilo: Menjalni tečaj libanonskega funta glede na dolar je padel na najnižjo vrednost vseh časov

After relative calm for a few months, the Lebanese pound has plunged to an all-time low of 35,600 per dollar, je pisalo poročilo. The currencys latest slide is expected to worsen Lebanons economic challenges. Pound Depreciation In a sign that

Portuguese Parliament Rejects Crypto Tax Proposals During Budget Debate

Two proposals to tax crypto assets have failed to gain support from Portuguese lawmakers who are now discussing the state budget. The bids came from minority left-wing parties, while the ruling majority is yet to put forward its own draft to

No Tax Amnesty for Russian Crypto Miners as Lawmakers Withdraw Proposal

A new draft law has replaced an earlier bill introducing a one-year tax and customs amnesty for cryptocurrency miners in Russia. The initial proposal has been withdrawn on the grounds that the tax break would have resulted in losses for the